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Physics Questions ( Waves)

1) When a stone is thrown in the calm water of a pond waves produced are. 

A) Longitudinal waves 

B) Transverse Wave 

C) Both A and B 

D) Wave does not Produce

Ans) C 

2) Which instrument can be used to study the waveform of signal 

A) Spectrometer 

B) Oscilloscope 

C) Sonometer 

D) P-n Junction diode 

Ans) B 

3 What is found in frequency modulation 

A) Fixed frequency 

B) Fixed dimension 

C) Change in frequency and dimension 

D) Change in dimension only 

Ans) B 

4) The wave cannot be transmitted in the vacuum. 

A) Light 

B) Sound 

C) Heat 

D) Electromagnetic 

Ans) B 

5) The intensity of any wave is proportional to which of the following 

A) Amplitude 

B) Square of amplitude 

C) The square root of amplitude

D) Cube of amplitude 

Ans) B 

6) The Reverse effect of X-ray emission is 

A) Raman Effect 

B) Compton Effect 

C) Zeeman Effect 

D) Photoelectric Effect 

Ans) D 

7) Which one of the following waves cannot be polarized 

A) Radio 

B) Ultraviolet 

C) Infrared 

D) Ultrasonic 

Ans) D 

8) Which of the following is not an electromagnetic wave 

A) X-ray 

B) Gamma-ray 

C) Cathode Ray 

D) Infrared 

Ans) C 

9) Which of the following has the lowest frequency 

A) Visible Ray 

B) Gamma Ray 

C) X-Ray 

D) Ultraviolet Rays 

Ans) A 

10) Every hot object emits 

A) X-rays 

B) Visible Light 

C) Infrared Rays

D) Ultraviolet 

Ans) C 

11) Which of the following is not true about X-rays 

A) Have low penetrating power 

B) Travel with the speed of light 

C) Can be reflected or refracted 

D) Can affect photographic plates 

Ans) A 

12) Which of the following travels in the glass with a minimum velocity 

A) Red Light 

B) Violet Light 

C) Green Light 

D) Yellow Light 

Ans) B  

The speed of light in any medium is directly proportional to the wavelength of light. As violet has a minimum wavelength. So, its speed is the minimum

13)  X-Rays are 

A) Positively charged particles 

B) Negatively charged particles 

C) Neutral particles 

D) Yellow Light 

Ans) C 

14) The greenhouse effect is the heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere which is due to 

A) The Ultraviolet Rays 

B) Gamma-rays 

C) The infrared rays 

D) X-rays 

Ans) C 

15) Which electromagnetic radiation is used for satellite communications. 

A) Ultraviolet 

B) Infrared 

C) Microwave 

D) Millimeter-Wave

Ans) Microwave 

16) The radiation initially produced in a fluorescent tube is 

A) Infrared Rays 

B) Ultraviolet 

C) Microwaves 

D) X-rays 

Ans) B 

17) Ultraviolet rays can be used in water treatment as 

A) Precipitator 

B) Hydrolyser 

C) Disinfectant 

D) Flocculator 

Ans) C 

18) The device which is used to measure the wavelength of X-rays is 

A) Cyclotron 

B) Bragg’s Spectrometer 

C) Mass spectrometer 

D) GM counter 

Ans) B 

19) Who is the inventor of RADAR 

A) H.N. Van Tessie 

B) William K. Rontgen 

C) P.T. Farnsworth 

D) A.H. Taylor and Lio C. Young 

Ans) D 

20) Who discovered X-rays 

A) Roentgen 

B) Becquerel 

C) Marie Curie 

D) Wan Loo 

Ans) A 

21) In a filament type bulb, most of the electric power consumed appear as 

A) Visible Light 

B) Infrared light 

C) Ultraviolet 

D) Fluorescent Light 

Ans) B 

22) Which of the following is used in an MRI machine 

A) Sound wave 

B) X-ray 

C) Ultrasonic wave 

D) Magnetic wave 

Ans) D 

23) Coolidge tube is used to produce 

A) Radio waves 

B) Microwaves

C) X-ray 

D) Gamma rays 

Ans) C 

24) Which of the following part of sunlight makes the solar cooker hot 

A) Ultraviolet 

B) Red Light 

C) Infrared 

D) Cosmic rays 

Ans) C 

25) The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to a distant place is 

A) James Clerk Maxwell 

B) Heinrich Hertz 

C) Thomas Alva Edison 

D) John Logie Baird 

Ans) B 

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